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    10 Real World Applications of Artificial Intelligence In Use

         Artificial Intelligence(AI) is not just a concept anymore. Though the machines have not taken over the world yet, Applications of AI become more of a day today use thing now for most of the people. There is a range of different domains which uses capabilities of real world AI applications for their key functionalities. 
         Starting from virtual assistants and product recommendations to self driving smart cars and complex space operations, AI and its capabilities are in use. In near future, topics like "How to enforce lows and regulations on machines which runs on AI ?" or "Will AI take over control of the world ?" will become hot topics due to the growth of the AI industry. Keeping that in our minds, Let's take a look at real world applications of AI in last few years.

    1. Virtual Assistants

          Virtual Assistant is one of the domains which AI is heavily used. All the major players in Tech industry trying their very best to become the leader in this domain. Siri from Apple, Google Now from Google and Cortana from Microsoft are few examples for this.  All of these virtual assistants are enabled with voice to text (and vise versa) capabilities which again uses AI in its core, So that the users can actually talk with the application and get the work done.
           Most of the live virtual assistants are in a continuous learning process based on the user interactions happening between user and the app. These application acquire user data from the base device (eg: mobile, laptop etc.) and uses that data to provide personalized responses to the users. Predictions says that, sooner, these apps will know what exactly we need just from your tone of the voice. All of these surprising capabilities only possible because of the Artificial Intelligence. 

    2. Self-Driving Smart Vehicles

             Self driving vehicles are becoming a hot topic like never before. Want to know why ? Just google either "Googles Self-Driving Project" or "Tesla AutoPilot feature". You will know why. These AI based capabilities are already started to integrating into normal (not categorized as smart) vehicles for the use of different purposes. Self parking systems backed by AI in some high end cars is one of the most recent examples for this. If you got picked up by a driverless cab in near future, these is nothing to be surprised of. We are almost there. 😊

    3. Fraud Detection

                Fraud detection methodologies are getting smarter and smarter day by day thanks to the Artificial Intelligence. AI algorithms were trained using substantial amount of genuine transaction data and fraudulent transaction data. Once the AI model got trained to an acceptable accuracy, it is capable to detect fraudulent transactions in real world. These models can be developed in such a way that they can be incrementally trained based on the real time data coming into the data lake every second. 

    4. Smart Predictions and Recommendations

               This is one of the most commonly used AI application in real world as of now. Feeding huge amount of historical data into the AI component in order to train the model is the initial step of this solution. Once the AI system deployed into the real world environment, it will keep monitor the user choices and provide smart recommendations based on its training knowledge. While doing that, the newly added user interaction data will also fed in to AI system or incremental learning.
               One of the latest examples of this is Netflix user recommendations. Netflix analyze billions of data in the film and entertainment industry in order to provide smart and really effective suggestions to it users. 

    5. Automated Content Generation

            Due to the maturity of the AI, Natural Language Processing(NLP) and Machine Learning(ML) algorithms and their capabilities to understand Natural Language, opens lots of applications of AI in content management domain. Do you know that, there are software bots (under experiment) out there with the capability of going through the internet and specific web sites, grab the required information and able to write simple reports and stories about sports and financial scenarios. Check this post by wired about the age of robot writers
             Although the robot writers are not here yet, some of the capabilities are already in use to make the life easy for lots of profession. Take media industry as an example. Media companies already using AI modules to enhance their content supply chains for content writers. 

    6. Criminal Investigations

                 Let's take a step back and think through how the criminal investigation process happens 5 years back. A crime happens. Someone called the police. Police arrived at the crime scene. Gather the evidences. Capture statements on a book or a recorder. Go back to Police. Sat on a desk with a desktop computer and stack of files and investigate. But this process has changed drastically with time and enhancement of the AI technologies.

                   When it comes to crime investigations in present in most of the countries where the police is equipped with modern day AI technologies, components such as "Facial Recognition", "Data 
    Mining for faster content retrieval",  "Vehicle Registration Plate Recognition", "Real time Traffic Monitoring" and many more applications play major role in the process.

    7. AI in Healthcare

                  This topic has always been the one to discuss and debate since this involves living beings. One of the very first AI applications in this filed is in medical imaging in order to effectively diagnose medical conditions to detect deceases such as heart problems and cancers.
                 AI modules will get trained on top of old medical images of patients over the past years. Once effectively trained, these components will be able to detect patterns which leads to probable deceases. This helps the doctors enormously in the treatment process in order to correctly identify the actual problem in quick time.
                     This branch of AI applications and researches are always subjected to lots of debates as the privacy of the patients is a major factor to the data. Not only that but also testing the models on live objects is another huge blocker for these type of researches. Currently these is no specific regulations on AI applications in healthcare. But due to fast growing AI industry, regulations will get introduced sooner rather than later.

    8. Military Surveillance Drones 

               Drone technology and its military applications have come a long way. These days most of the military operations were carried out by the unmanned drones in many defense forces. These unmanned drones carry out all sort of tasks starting from terrain monitoring to deadly bomb disposals. These remote controlled drone were backed by AI algorithms for better performances, better stability, better enemy movement tracking etc.

    9. Video Games backed by AI

               Have you ever wonder how these Non-Player Characters AKA NPCs act so bravely based on your instincts. Yeah. You are correct. Most of the current Video Games are backed by AI modules which controls the NPCs of the game to make the game play more and more interesting and challenging day by day.
                Some people have raised the question on the real AI algorithm use of Game developers as most of these game developers are not came from AI research backgrounds. But based on many top level game developers from all around the world, most of the current game development teams are using decision trees and other path finding algorithms from AI research in order to make intelligent decisions based on the real time movement inputs given by human players.

    10. Proactive Detections in Social Media

                  All right, Last but not least, AI in social media is something which we interact with daily but most of us are not aware of. Starting from Facebook to all the other social media companies uses AI based component for their proactive event detection process. Facebooks "Suicidal and other mental behavior detection" is something which is really interesting to look into.
                  Now days, people used to share each and every little thing what they think and do on facebook. Facebooks AI is capable of understanding the behavior patterns that may shows if a user is thinking towards a self-harm. This way, probable suicidal attempts can be predicted and will be able to take actions agains it to save lives.

    Please put your valuable comments below and let us know your feedbacks on the discussed topic.



    1. Good read. Also check on the AI backed software which runs under real hardware robots. Pretty interesting stuff.

    2. Artificial Intelligence or AI can simply be interpreted as a systemic procedure that deals with the process of making machines or computers to perform various coherent tasks which normally require the use of human intelligence for accomplishing the tasks.
      For More Info: Artificial Intelligence Institute in Delhi
