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    IBM AIX 002 - The HMC (Hardware Management Console)

    All right guys... No 2 of IBM AIX series is here...

    If you have not go though the AIX Basics tutorial click here.

    HMC (Hardware Management Console)

    HMC is the single place where you creates and manage your LPARs of your power server and their configurations. IBM provides either Desktop or Rack-Mount server (intel based) which contains HMC application. 

    HMC can be accessed via GUI or command line using SSH. 

    If you use GUI option, once you go to your HMC url on browser, you will see a login screen like below.

    Default user name for the HMC login is "hscroot".  In the "Log in" option, you will be able to select which type of UI you want to work with. currently (as of early 2020), IBM provides two GUI options. Classic and Enhanced. Make sure you familiar with "Enhanced" version of the UI as Classic version will be discontinued soon.  

    Once you successfully passed the login, you will be landed to a page like below.

    This landing page will show you the statuses of the System and its attention LED. 

    In the 2nd line, you will be able to find the link to access HMCs web application. 

    Once you login to the HMC web application, you will be able to see your power server, its status and its properties/configs. Single HMC is capable of managing up-to 48 power servers. If you have more than one configured on the HMC, make sure you select the correct server for the further configurations.

    When you select and go in to your server, you will be able to see your provisioned LPARs and there settings. you will be able to change settings and configs of the servers using this screen and also you can power on/off your LPAR if you want to. Lets say your LPAR got hangs up due to some reason and you cant have SSH sessions with it anymore. This is the place where you want to come and restart (Power Off/On) your LPAR. 

    Due to the restrictions from both IBM and my organization, I will not be able to provide you the screens in certain places like this. But HMCs UI is quite user friendly and easy to understand. So you will  be able to get used to it pretty easily.  

    Though HMC plays the part of connecting you and the power systems hardware via GUI, most of your work as sys admin on AIX will be lie out of this. 

    But as a system administrator, it is your duty to keep your servers and their health in place. So do visit HMC regular basis and check whether there are any alerts and events to be attended.

    That's it for the HMC. See you all with new post soon. Till then ✌ 

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