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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) : Definition

    What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ?

    AI is a field of study in Computer Science on the simulation of human intelligence and capabilities in machines. 

    We as humans are born with intelligence and human capabilities. We can think and act accordingly. We can look into a problems not just logically but emotionally as well based on the level of understanding we have on the respective subject matters. So the idea of AI is to learn machines to mimic human intelligence and capabilities in order to let machines to work on tasks which we are either unable to do due to difficulties or else lazy to do.  

    AI is a wide range of study in computer science and it is also one of the most trending technologies all around the world. History of AI runs way back into 1940's but it only become an eye opener thanks to the advancement of volumes of data stored, computational power and  advanced algorithms. 

    Categories of AI ?

    If you did a simple online research on the categories of AI, you will be able to get whole lot of categorizations based on different aspects. But all of AI applications and algorithms can be categorized into two major buckets.  

    Week/Narrow AI: 
    As name suggests, this type of AI applications only operates with in very limited context, often performing single task. Most of the AI applications which we find in day today life is in this bucket. As examples, the artificial player who plays against you in your pc/mobile game, Virtual assistant programs such as Apples SIRI can be given.     

    General/Strong AI:
    This is the guy which all of media talks about these days. This is what we see in the movies related to AI. These are really complex and complicated algorithms on the systems which carries more than one task in human-like manner. The most popular example for this is the self driving cars. 

    Where we can find AI applications ? 

    In percent, AI and its applications are everywhere. Almost all the domains have some sort of AI application working for it. But if we are to pick top domains which AI applications in place, 

    • Health Care Domain
    • Manufacturing Domain
    • Retail and Banking Domain
    • Security and Surveillance Domain 
                                                                     are my picks. 

     Key Takeaways 

    AI is simulation of human intelligence in machines.
    AI is being used almost all the domains available at the moment
    AI can be categorized into two categories. Week and Strong

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