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    Why You Should Start Learning Artificial Intelligence in 2020 ?

    Reasons to learn AI in 2020

    Whether you like it or not, AI is not just a concept anymore, but more of a day today used technology by most of us. Yes, you read it correctly. Its more of a day today used tool. Starting from “Siri” to Social Media Apps, Artificial Intelligence has been used somewhere down the line. So, AI is one of the most demanding and most exciting domains at percent.  With these in mind, Lets jump into reasons for why you should start learning AI in 2020.

    #1: All the tech giants already using AI in their production platforms

    tech giants already using AI

    All the technology giants such as Amazon, Google, Yahoo, Uber, Facebook are using AI based technologies and tools to back their overly complex and sophisticated platforms. Heads of these companies are repeatedly highlighting the capabilities of their AI and Machine Learning technologies in their tech talks all around the world as a sign of success in the modern tech industry. So, if you are looking for an opening in these tech giants, AI is a MUST to have in your skills list. Not only the giants, but almost all the tech companies consider capabilities in AI is an added advantage for their hires. So it’s the time for you to start learning Artificial Intelligence basics.

    #2: AI is going to be a big player in Cyber Security

    AI is going to be a big player in Cyber Security

    As we all know Cybersecurity is one of the main hot topics from few years now and it will become more and more important and trendy as the time goes on. Cyber Attacks themselves tend to be powered by AI and ML backed algorithms and becoming more and more smart at the very moment. So, Cybersecurity industry also need to be up their game in order to make sure that the systems, platforms and more importantly data are safe from these attacks. So if you are an Cybersecurity enthusiast, you now know what to do. Start learning basics of Artificial Intelligence if you have not done so far and be ready for the next gen Cybersecurity job market.

    #3: AI will get involved in our daily life more than ever

    AI will get involved in our daily life more than ever

    If you look at past few years on how AI technologies evolved, you will noticed that most of the companies and products per se trying to use AI based technologies to automate, facilitate simple day today needs of the people rather trying to build something futuristic or something looks ahead of its time. (AI is getting used in the extraordinarily complex domains such as aerospace, military, driver-less vehicles and all, but apart from that there are massive number of other applications of AI which has been used in simple apps and systems.) Applications such as Siri, Alexa becoming more and more accurate and human friendly day by day thanks to AI backed system backbones. So, if you are capable with a skill set which includes heavy AI knowledge, you might be the one to invent next game changer application in the industry.

    #4: There are more unaddressed problems to solve using AI than addressed ones. So, opportunities for a breakthrough are limitless

    opportunities for a breakthrough are limitless

    As software developers and engineers, what we do is solving real world problems with our skills and knowledge and providing solutions to use to address those problems. Although AI is used in huge amount of applications, it is a known fact that there are more unaddressed problems to solve using AI than already addressed and solved. So, you will have enough problems to solve using AI if you are capable of. Who knows you will be the next genius to invent something which millions of people purchase and use?

    #5: All the universities and institutions encourage their students to take up AI and ML courses and to work on projects which involves AI capabilities

    universities and institutions encourage their students to take up AI and ML courses

    Yes. Almost all the universities have at least few learning modules mode available their students to take up. In fact, some institutes made the compulsory in order to gear up their students with latest skills. So, if you are not from this generation but must compete with them, its time for you to start learning AI before its too late. There is huge amount of free and paid online learning platforms which offers AI and ML courses for their audiences. Some paid courses are valuable and worthy but will only cost few bucks to enroll. Links to these valid certifications of AI in your social profile and LinkedIn will be an eye catcher for the headhunters in the industry as well.

    The opportunities and possibilities are limitless for anyone to grab in this rapidly changing technology marketplace. So, you sure need to up there with your best skill sets and knowledge bases to grab whatever opportunities the world about to present to you. Learning AI will always be an added advantage for you.

    Start your learning path in 2020 towards an engineer or a consultant with solid AI knowledge. Thank me later if it worked out as presented above.😃

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